Is Bronchitis the Cause of Your Persistent Cough Roznama Pakistan
Is Bronchitis the Cause of Your Persistent Cough

Bronchitis Symptoms: Continuous Cough Causes

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways leading to your lungs. This tube helps in bringing air in and out of the lungs.

Have You Been Coughing Continuously For Several Days? Is This Bronchitis?

(Bronchitis symptoms) Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways leading to your lungs. This tube helps in bringing air in and out of the lungs. Continuous Cough is a common disease of our body, which causes chest pain and sore throat. This common cough affects your breathing tubes (bronchioles), which are located in your chest. The problem of cough usually occurs in winter, normal cough usually ends in two to four days, but if the cough that ends in two to four days is troubling you for a long time, then it is a warning sign. Might be possible. This may not be an ordinary cough but ‘bronchitis‘. This can continue for 3 months to 2 years. Let us know about it.

What is bronchitis cough?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways leading to your lungs. This tube helps in bringing air in and out of the lungs. When your airways (trachea and bronchi) are irritated, they swell and fill with mucus, causing you to cough.

(Bronchitis symptoms) In this problem, the patient may have severe cough and phlegm problem. Problems like bronchitis occur due to exposure to infection due to improper eating habits, lifestyle and weak immunity. This is a little different from a normal cough. Generally there are two types of bronchitis, ‘acute bronchitis’ and ‘chronic bronchitis’.

1. Acute bronchitis-

Acute bronchitis is usually caused by infection. This is a temporary condition often caused by viral infections such as the common cold or influenza. However, it gets cured on its own within a few weeks. Most people need treatment for acute bronchitis. This can be due to harmful substances like smoke, dust or chemicals.

2. Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is more serious than acute bronchitis. This is a long lasting situation. If you struggle with cough and mucus for more than three months in a year, you may have chronic bronchitis. It comes under chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is often caused by prolonged exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco smoke.

Some common symptoms of bronchitis –

  • Dry cough– When affected by bronchitis, continuous cough increases at night or after waking up in the morning. This could be a dry cough.
  • Difficulty in breathing– If bronchitis becomes infected, there may be difficulty in breathing. Due to this, there may be difficulty in breathing and foul smell.
  • Pain in the lungs– There is a possibility of pain in the lungs when affected by bronchitis.
  • Bleeding from the nose– Sometimes, bleeding from the nose can also occur when affected by bronchitis.
  • Fever – Sometimes in this case the patient may also get fever.

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